well, all kids have the flu here in the essing house. justin started with a high fever and head cold last week thursday and had it for 4 days. jordan started the same thing on sunday morning and is trying his hardest to get over it. and now brendan woke up with it all this morning. i honestly thought brendan might not get it. but, low and behold, we were up all night last night with a feverish, barking cough, runny nosed brendan. which would then wake up jordan and he would proceed to blow raspberries for about half an hour. needless to say, i am pretty darn tired this morning. and i just can't stand the fact that you can't do anything for the poor little guys to help them feel better. other than tylenol and vaporizors, we moms are not supposed to give our kids any cough medicine, etc. anyway, i just had to vent some this morning. wish me luck and send prayers our way that all sleep tonight, at least a few long stretches...